Before we start into the new BBA Whisperer blog post in our "Oh, BTW..." series let us step back for a moment and take a look at Gail Enema Briggs and M.T. Mispuke Dismuke.
A 1* star review that caused Enema so much pain that she started a downvoting campaign. Amazon removed a truckload of sock puppet votes, the downvoting started again, Amazon removed sock votes, the review was downvoted... you get the picture.
Mike left a comment. He is always such a nice friend, isn´t he, hun? He even paid for your book. The only one who ever did this was Scammer Mouse, so congrats for your second sale. You are awesome like that, hun!
Mike is a LOSEr aka a Whining Incompetent Nobody where Paula ´Xenophobia Is Fun´ Shene and Sharon ´With The Many Last Names´ Desruisseaux have his balls in their purses.
More downvoting fun and what Jerri and her hiney has to do with all this at the BBA Whisperer blog: